Deep-Fried Friday

  • Deep-Fried Friday

    Vlogging from a Natural Park

    This week I’ve been volunteering as assistant director for my church’s elementary camp. The county park where we go is less than a half hour away from my suburban home, yet we feel thrust into the midst of nature for…

  • Deep-Fried Friday

    Do Your Shoes Fit?

    Admittedly, this is an odd topic for Deep-Fried Friday. However, I have narrow feet and struggle to find shoes that fit. I have wondered how the narrow shoe market has nearly disappeared from stores, which for me means that I…

  • Deep-Fried Friday

    The Toilet Battles

    A couple of weeks ago, I entered the bathroom to find something absolutely wonderful. It only took nineteen years of marriage, but I nearly did a happy dance right there before the porcelain throne: Without me around, my husband had…

  • Deep-Fried Friday

    Why Grammar Matters in Your Book

    I’ve been called a Grammar Nazi, a grammar geek, a grammar freak, a grammar nut, the grammar police, and a stickler. What they say behind my back, I don’t know. I’m not that bad. I don’t critique tweets, personal emails,…

  • Deep-Fried Friday

    Tagged Again & Cool Questions

    Welcome to Deep-Fried Friday! Yum. I’ve been tagged again to answer some questions, this time by The Midnight Novelist, Karen Rought. I should warn people generally that I’m that girl who broke the chain in high school. You know, when…

  • Deep-Fried Friday

    Rules of the Undead

    My husband and I watched the pilot of The Walking Dead a few months ago. During the course of the show, I kept asking things like, “How do you kill a zombie?” “Do they have to destroy the zombie’s brain?”…