The Breast Way to Describe It
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! This is a cause close to my heart. In honor of the fight against breast cancer, both of my posts this week will address it.
Today, though,is AMAZE-ing Words Wednesday, when I feature something fun or interesting about language. The first time I participated in a Race for the Cure in 2004, I was amazed by the creativity in team names and t-shirts. Those mammary glands have a LOT of different words to describe them. With so many possibilities, people go a little crazy with the attire and t-shirts worn to breast cancer awareness events.
Before sharing some, I know that some people feel that humorous slogans trivialize the threat and pain of this disease. Having known several people who have been through breast cancer, I have seen that a sense of humor in the face of hardship can be helpful for getting through. I appreciate how we can use language to cheer ourselves up even in the worst of times.
So without further ado, here are some clever team names from this year’s Houston walk:
Bad Mamma(ry) Jammas
Bonkers for Honkers
Boobie Brigade
Bosom Buddies
Cowgirls Kickin’ Cancer
Fight Like a Girl
For the Girls!
Good Better Breast
Hakuna Ma Tata
Heal the hOOters
Hugs for Jugs
Mommies for Mammaries
Peeka Boobies
Pink Ladies
Pretty in Pink
The Rack Pack
Rockers for Knockers
Save the TaTas
Stop the War in My Rack
Team Twin Peaks
Thanks for the Mammaries
The Boobie Bunch
Treasure Chests
Victorious Secret
I’ve also seen some funny t-shirts as well. The one a young lady was wearing this year that caught our eye was:

Note to my lady friends: Be sure to perform self-exams and get mammograms regularly, as early detectionis key to saving lives and fighting this battle.
Have you ever participated in a charity with a team? Did you come up with a team name? What was it? What other interesting team names or t-shirts have you seen?