• Friday Fiction

    Friday Fiction: Flash Fiction #2

    Having finished a first draft of my middle-grade novel, I am awaiting editing comments from a beta reader.  I’m not ready to delve into another large project, but I do enjoy continuing to write fiction.  Thankfully, there are some great…

  • Monday Musings

    Monday Musings: Gently Prodded

    Once you finish your first novel, you think, “Hey, I’m a writer!  I can do this!”  And you bask in that warm sunshine for a while, getting a nice tan and feeling pretty darn good about yourself. Until you start…

  • Friday Fiction

    Friday Fiction: Firecracker Duds

    So what’s that one book that everyone raved about, that you spent $20 on the hardcover to purchase or twelve weeks on the library waiting list to receive, that you opened with excited anticipation… only to finish and wonder what…

  • Uncategorized

    It Begins with a Hurricane

    While 104 mile-per-hour winds rattled and ripped apart our roof and rain swirled and surged into our dining room, we slept soundlessly on the brass bed of a relative’s home.  Hurricane Ike was assaulting the shores of Southeast Texas, and…

  • Wednesday Words

    Amusing with Accents

    I admit to doing accents in front of my kids. I’m rough with some of them, but I try every one I can think of. If we’re listening to a Beatles song, why not deliver my own impression of Paul…

  • Uncategorized

    The Write Challenge

    Tooling around on Twitter, I linked over to the Round of Words in 80 Days challenge through another writer. Aha! I thought. This is just what I need. After spending the last few weeks toting my car from one shop…