• Amazing Words Wednesday

    The Breast Way to Describe It

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! This is a cause close to my heart. In honor of the fight against breast cancer, both of my posts this week will address it. Today, though,is AMAZE-ing Words Wednesday, when I feature something…

  • Friday Fiction

    Who Wrote It? Author Franchises

    So you pick up yet another book from an author who has churned out four this year already, excited to crack open the spine and yet wondering how he manages to write so many novels. But then you discover, he…

  • Uncategorized

    It Begins with a Hurricane

    While 104 mile-per-hour winds rattled and ripped apart our roof and rain swirled and surged into our dining room, we slept soundlessly on the brass bed of a relative’s home.  Hurricane Ike was assaulting the shores of Southeast Texas, and…

  • Uncategorized

    The Write Challenge

    Tooling around on Twitter, I linked over to the Round of Words in 80 Days challenge through another writer. Aha! I thought. This is just what I need. After spending the last few weeks toting my car from one shop…