Swimsuit Cover and #ROW80

The annual Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue recently came out, with Kate Upton as the scantily clad bikini model on the cover. My husband and I started talking about recent swimsuit photographs, and I observed that these gals are wearing swimsuits too small for them. The bikini tops look child-sized compared to what they should be to cover women’s bodies properly.
I did a little research and found that the size of the swimsuits has certainly shrunk over time. Here’s the cover for the swimsuit issue from the year I was born — 1967:

I think model Lynn Tindall looks pretty good here and would turn plenty of heads on my beach. And her swimsuit fits. If you want to see covers through the years, click here.
Meanwhile, I’m trying to figure out if my ROW80 goals fit me this time around. I don’t want them to be too small. After adjusting my goals post-mononucleosis diagnosis, I found it too easy to meet my goals this past week. I think I need to increase my word count goal in particular. This is, after all, supposed to be a word count challenge.
Here are my Revised goals for ROW80 Round 1 of 2012:

  • Finish editing Grace & Fire mystery novel and send to reader. Check. Finished this goal on January 19.
  • Write 2,500 1,500 words per week on young adult novel, Sharing Hunter. 3,375 words Thursday through Saturday. I’m pretty sure about 500 of these words are going to be flushed down the story sewer, but even so, I cleared my goal by far more than expected. Now I’m wondering if the 1,500 mark is too low. Hmmm. Bump this one up to 2,000 words per week?
  • Blog twice a week on Amaze-ing Words Wednesday and Deep-Fried Friday, and check-in with ROW80 updates twice a week. Check. Posted A Lesson from Miss Spelling and Making the Book Sing: ROW80 on Wednesday and Swooning Just a Bit on Friday.
  • Comment on at least 10 15 blogs per week (not counting ROW80 update comments). Check. Commented on 17 blogs earlier this week and 9 since my last update, for a total of 26. That’s a lot.
  • Read one writing craft book. Check. Finished On Writing by Stephen King.
  • Read five eight fiction books. 5 down, only a couple of chapters left in The Cat, the Lady and the Liar (a cozy mystery) by Leann Sweeney.
  • Exercise three times per week.

My mother gifted me a subscription to The Writer’s Digest this past Christmas, and I received my first issue about a week ago. I’m planning to add the goal of reading in this publication, as I think it will help me to stay up-to-date on writing and publishing.

  • Read through five articles in The Writer’s Digest?

How are your goals fitting you? Are they too big? Too small? Or just right?
Give hi-fives and hearty encouragement to my fellow ROWers HERE.

Julie Glover loves whimsy, wit, and what-ifs, but her stories also explore real-life experiences and deep-down emotions. She believes we're stronger than we think, laughter is a necessary survival skill, and you can never own too many pairs of boots.