Amazing Words Wednesday

  • Amazing Words Wednesday

    Poetry You Actually Like

    After my Limericks post, I realized how true it is that people who swear they don’t like poetry actually might. Plenty of people enjoy limericks, and that’s poetry. What other poetry masquerades as something fun rather than something you must…

  • Amazing Words Wednesday

    Lining Up at the Movies

    What primarily fascinates me about language is how by simply choosing and ordering words, we can convey something meaningful to someone else. That fact is the foundation of speaking and writing. Sometimes, however, what’s said moves beyond meaningful and becomes…

  • Amazing Words Wednesday

    Can I Make Up a Word?

    “I speak of the pompatus of love.” Welcome to Amaze-ing Words Wednesday! There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who believe that Steve Miller is super-cool for making up a word -“pompatus” [of love] – and those…

  • Amazing Words Wednesday

    A Lesson with Miss Pronunciation

    It’s time for AMAZE-ing Words Wednesday! Today’s word lesson will be taught by renowned language arts instructor, Miss Pronunciation. Miss Pronunciation will present the incorrect and correct ways of articulating some commonly mispronounced words in the English language. Without further…

  • Amazing Words Wednesday

    The Breast Way to Describe It

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! This is a cause close to my heart. In honor of the fight against breast cancer, both of my posts this week will address it. Today, though,is AMAZE-ing Words Wednesday, when I feature something…