• Monday Musings

    Monday Musings: Dental Discomfort

    I have a friend who enjoys going to the dentist.  She likes the feeling of having her teeth cleaned and walking out of the office all fresh-mouthed and white-toothed.  I can hardly believe that we are in the same species.…

  • Friday Fiction

    Friday Fiction: Firecracker Duds

    So what’s that one book that everyone raved about, that you spent $20 on the hardcover to purchase or twelve weeks on the library waiting list to receive, that you opened with excited anticipation… only to finish and wonder what…

  • Wednesday Words

    Wednesday Words: Sesquipedalianism

    I love long, descriptive words that hint at their meaning.  Serendipity is surprisingly delightful every time it rolls off my tongue.  The word tentacles seems to reach and encircle me.  Rambunctious has a pop in the middle of the word…

  • Uncategorized

    Obsessive-Correcting Disorder

    I stand in the local Hallmark store staring at the handmade sign above the card rack.  The words are written in black Sharpie pen – the same kind of pen I just happen to have in my purse.  The misspelling…

  • Uncategorized

    It Begins with a Hurricane

    While 104 mile-per-hour winds rattled and ripped apart our roof and rain swirled and surged into our dining room, we slept soundlessly on the brass bed of a relative’s home.  Hurricane Ike was assaulting the shores of Southeast Texas, and…

  • Wednesday Words

    Amusing with Accents

    I admit to doing accents in front of my kids. I’m rough with some of them, but I try every one I can think of. If we’re listening to a Beatles song, why not deliver my own impression of Paul…

  • Uncategorized

    The Write Challenge

    Tooling around on Twitter, I linked over to the Round of Words in 80 Days challenge through another writer. Aha! I thought. This is just what I need. After spending the last few weeks toting my car from one shop…

  • Uncategorized

    Julie Glover, Word Lover

    I LOVE words!  I don’t necessarily mean that I enjoy talking. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. But I love the sumptuousness of language. I relish words, lyrics, accents, sarcasm, idioms, proverbs, and all things language–even punctuation and grammar. Some…