About Me

You want to get to know me? Well, let me pour you a glass of iced tea, kick up my boots, and tell you my life story.
No, not really. We’ll go with the summary — hey, even bullet points! (Aren’t those so cliché and overused?)
- I grew up reading Laura Ingalls Wilder, Judy Blume, and every Nancy Drew book I could get my hands on. And I told myself stories all the time, with the same kind of strong female characters who slayed their own dragons. Getting Prince Charming was just the icing on the triple-layer chocolate cake.
- I’m a born-and-bred Texan, who lived outside the state just long enough to meet my native Texan husband in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We went from meet to married in about the same time it takes for an armadillo to cross the road, and a few years later returned to the Lone Star state. I appreciate and love visiting other places, but Texas will always be my home.
- I read every novel assigned in high school English but two: The Iliad and The Last of the Mohicans. I even announced to my teachers I would not read another word, because I was dozing off with every page-turn. “Take these back, and hand me another Jane Austen or Brontë sister, pleeeease.”
- I started writing my first book after Hurricane Ike pummeled the Houston Gulf Coast and made our house off limits for a couple of weeks. (What else are you gonna do while stuck at the in-laws for longer than you’d ever planned to be with his parents?) I’d always wanted to write, but the novel came when I committed to a routine of writing. And yeah, my house is fine now — even got new flooring!
- I have a thing about boots. I have lots of them — from cowboy boots to fashion boots to rain boots . . . But really, living in south Texas, a girl can go most days with either flip-flops or boots and be comfortably and stylishly dressed.
- I’m a grammar nut, junkie, nerd, geek, goddess, or — if you must — Nazi. No, I’m not judging your emails or text messages, but I notice when professional communications have egregious errors. My personal mission: To help people learn how to use apostrophes (like its vs. it’s) and to say “couldn’t care less” (not “could care less”). Also, to make grammar fun!
- While I wanted to write like Jane Austen or Leo Tolstoy, my style has been compared instead to Erma Bombeck. Meaning I cannot keep my inner Queen of Sarcasm silent; she just shows up on the page! Might as well roll with it, right? After all, I believe in laughter. Life is too stinkin’ hard to get all depressed and angsty when you could just crack a joke or roll around on the ground a bit clutching your sides in laughter.
Now more about my writing . . .
“Color Me Happy” was published in ORANGE KAREN: A TRIBUTE TO A WARRIOR in April 2013. This short story is a young adult contemporary romance.
My young adult contemporary novel Sharing Hunter is a 2015 RWA® Golden Heart® Finalist and received 2nd place in the YA category of the 2014 New Jersey Romance Writers Put Your Heart in a Book Contest and 1st place in the YA/NA category of the 2014 Utah RWA Great Beginnings Contest.
Awaken, a young adult sci-fi novel, finaled in the 30th Annual Hudson Valley RWA Hook, Line & Sinker Contest, and won the YA category of the 2015 Windy City RWA Four Seasons Contest. My current work-in-progress, Daring Charlotte, finaled in the West Houston RWA Emily Contest, YA category.
I am represented by Louise Fury of The Bent Agency.
Julie Glover
I’m a student from Poland. I’ve found your blog by chance when I was looking for something useful for my diploma paper (B.A.). I’m writing about toponyms in sphere of fashion, food and drinks.. I saw that here you’ve written about the book ‘Toponymity’ which seems to be perfect for my diploma paper. I was looking for this book everywhere, but unfortunately I cannot buy it here in Poland. I was wondering if you could help me and answer my few questions connected with contents of ‘Toponymity’ ? If you can help me please contact me: iza_owc@tlen.pl
Hello fellow Texan. Writing, although still learning more everyday, and cooking are things I enjoy. I really look forward to reading your blog. 🙂
Hello, I’m a student in Beaverton, and the daughter of an author. I have been writing since approximately four years now, although I have a lot to learn. I was looking for inspiration for a story I recently began when I came across your site.
Julie Glover
Welcome, Adrienne! Best wishes with your writing.
Thank you! I have found your site very interesting so far and wish to explore further.